This captivating image captures a serene night scene under a full moon. The bright, luminous moon hangs prominently in the deep blue night sky, casting its glow over the landscape. Silhouettes of graceful deer stand peacefully amidst the tall grass and trees, creating a tranquil and picturesque scene. The contrast between the dark silhouettes and the vibrant moonlight adds a sense of calm and beauty to the image, making it perfect for nature enthusiasts and those who appreciate the quiet beauty of nocturnal wildlife.
Md Omit Hasan/30
Serene Night with Full Moon and Deer Silhouettes
ফাইল টাইপ PSD
প্রকাশিত হয়েছে জুন 08, 2024
দেখেছেন 488
ডাউনলোড 22
800 x 420 px
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